For those of you with £13,750,000 to splurge on a home should look no further than this fine specimen.
Kenwood, a three-floored, mock-Tudor mansion on the exclusive St. George's Hill Estate, in Weybridge, Surrey, England, was built in 1913 by local builders, Love & Sons.
John Lennon bought the property in July 1964, for £20,000 after being advised by The Beatles' accountants. He spent more than double the purchase price renovating the house, including an ensuite bathroom complete with sunken bathtub and Jacuzzi, and an outdoor swimming pool. He lived there with his first wife Cynthia and son Julian until 1968, when Cynthia arrived home early from a holiday in Greece to discover that he had moved Yoko Ono in.
Kenwood was sold in December 1968 for a reported £40,000 to songwriter Bill Martin ('Puppet On A String', 'Congratulations').
It has changed hands several times ' there is a rumour that each time it was sold due to divorce ' and internally bears little resemblance to when Lennon resided there, writing Beatles classics including 'Day Tripper' and 'In My Life'. Paul McCartney got the idea for 'Hey Jude' whilst driving out to Kenwood to visit Cynthia and Julian shortly after her divorce.

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Source: Music News
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